Why can’t I see the video upload icon?
The icon will only be visible in browsers that support the Compose mode editor (Firefox and Internet Explorer) and only when you’re logged in to draft.blogger.com.
Where are my videos hosted?
Videos uploaded through Blogger are hosted on Google Video.
Are my videos indexed or searchable?
No, your videos are kept private and will not be included in Google Video search.
How long does it take to upload and process a video?
Uploading a video may take a while, since videos tend to be very large files. However, the exact amount of time required will depend on the size of your specific video and the speed of your internet connection. The processing stage usually takes about five minutes. Blogger will display a status message below the post editor to let you know how this is going, and there will be a placeholder icon in your post to show where the video will appear.
Can I upload videos with spaces in the file name?
Yes! (Updated 6/20)
Do uploaded videos count against my 1gig photo quota?
Nope! Upload as many videos as you like for now.
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